Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Color Black

So I was thinking of quite a few things this morning as I typically do. It started in the bathroom as I was preparing myself for work (cleanliness is next to Godliness). Let's ignore the fact that I still need a hair cut because that's irrelevant to this mornings thoughts. The thought that actually struck me as oddest of all and therefore stood out the most was the thought of the color black. I was looking at a cologne bottle "Angel Men" by Thierry M. (I've gotten mixed reviews on the scent btw, but that's another post) and it was black in color. My mind from there evolved thoughts of black not really being a color but rather being the near or total absence of light. I then thought to myself, that if black is the near/total absence of color then everything is black when there is no light. I mean the blue cologne in another bottle I own, would not appear blue without the light. There was a bath toy of my daughter's which was orange in color, but that too would appear black. My mind then took me to the fact that I'm blessed to be able to have sight, one, but two, that I'm able to distinguish colors. Sorry that I take so many small things for granted.
Just thought I'd share this with you this morning.

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